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Displaying products 1 - 7 of 7 results
Brother & Knitking Sponge Bar for KH-230, KR-230 and KR-260 Ribber
Price: I will refund any shipping not needed. It is best to order more then one.
Brother & Knitking Sponge Bar for KH-230, KR-230 and KR-260 Ribber
This Sponge Bar will fit all the above knitting machines and ribbers. shipping is the same for 2 we will refund the extra shipping to your account.
Brother & Knitking Sponge Bars 200 Needle Machines
Price: $21.00
Brother & Knitking Sponge Bars 200  Needle Machines
This Sponge Bar will fit all Brother 200 needle Knitting Machines.
Brother and Knitking Sponge Bar for Bulky KH-260
Price: $21.00
Brother and Knitking Sponge Bar for Bulky KH-260
This one fits the KH-260 Brother Maine Bed. Shipping for 2 will be the same. I will refund any extra to you PayPal Invoice.
Silver Reed & Studio Sponge Bar for SK-840, SK-740 200 Needles Machines
Price: $22.00
Silver Reed & Studio Sponge Bar for SK-840, SK-740 200 Needles Machines
This Sponge Bar fits all knitting machine in the Studio, Silver Reed line that have 200 needles.
Silver Reed, Studio Sponge Bar for SK-155, SK-860 SR-155 SR-860
Price: $28.00
Silver Reed, Studio Sponge Bar for SK-155, SK-860 SR-155 SR-860
This Sponge bar is for all of the above knitting machines and Ribber.
Studio and Silver Reed Sponge for the LK-150, 140 and KX-350
Price: $15.00
Studio and Silver Reed Sponge for the LK-150, 140 and KX-350
This sponge is 39 inches long and fits it most Plastic knitting machines.